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  5. The Hidden Costs of Cheap Kitchen Cabinets

The Hidden Costs of Cheap Kitchen Cabinets

The Hidden Costs of Cheap Kitchen Cabinets: While DIY cabinets might be tempting, they’re a false economy for rental properties. The long-term maintenance and replacement costs will far outweigh any initial savings. By investing in custom cabinets, you’re investing in the long-term value and profitability of your rental property. It’s a smart move that will pay off for years to come. When it comes to outfitting a rental kitchen, it’s tempting to go the budget-friendly route with DIY cabinet options like Kaboodle or Ikea. Those glossy catalogs and promises of savings can be alluring. But before you start shopping, consider this: while you might save 20-30% upfront compared to custom cabinets, you’ll likely be trading those short-term gains for long-term headaches and unexpected expenses.

The Durability Issue

Mass-market cabinets often lack the durability to withstand the wear and tear of a rental property. With tenants changing every few years, your kitchen cabinets will see more abuse than the average homeowner’s. Cheap materials and construction can’t hold up. A study by the National Association of Home Builders found that cabinets have a typical lifespan of 8-10 years in a rental. With DIY cabinets, you might be looking at replacement in as little as 5 years.

The Vinyl Delamination Disaster

One particular problem to watch out for is vinyl-wrapped doors and drawers, a common feature in budget cabinets. Vinyl wrapping might look sleek at first, but it has a nasty habit of delaminating over time. When that happens, you’re left with peeling, unattractive surfaces. And repairs? Forget about it. Delaminated vinyl is nearly impossible to fix, leaving you with the cost of entirely replacing the affected cabinets.

The Custom Advantage

So what’s the alternative? Hiring a qualified cabinet maker to design, build, and install custom cabinets might seem like a pricier option upfront, but it’s an investment that will pay off in the long run. Custom cabinets are built to last, with high-quality materials and expert craftsmanship. They can easily withstand 15-20 years of use in a rental property, and still look great.

Plus, custom cabinets offer the advantage of a perfect fit and design tailored to your specific kitchen. This means better resale value for your property down the line. According to the National Kitchen and Bath Association, cabinets are the most important factor in a kitchen’s resale value. Custom cabinets can recoup up to 120% of their cost at resale, while generic cabinets won’t come close to that.

The Bottom Line

While DIY cabinets might be tempting, they’re a false economy for rental properties. The long-term maintenance and replacement costs will far outweigh any initial savings. By investing in custom cabinets, you’re investing in the long-term value and profitability of your rental property. It’s a smart move that will pay off for years to come.


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