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Smart Home Design Will save on power bills

Smart home design Perth “When embarking on the journey of constructing your ideal abode, a critical element to consider is its orientation. This element may appear insignificant, but it can significantly impact the functionality and comfort of your home, especially during the winter season when utilizing the sun’s energy for heating becomes crucial.


However, it’s important to acknowledge the harsh reality of Australian summers. If your home is meticulously designed for all seasons, your reliance on artificial heating and cooling systems will significantly decrease. It is feasible to maintain a consistent indoor temperature of around 23 degrees Celsius during the summer and 19 degrees Celsius during the winter. This is achievable with the assistance of architects who specialize in sustainable and energy-efficient design.

north facing home design


Imagine this: You’re standing in the heart of your new home, feeling the warmth of the winter sun streaming in through a strategically placed window. The sun’s rays are gently heating your living spaces, reducing your reliance on artificial heating systems. This isn’t just a dream, but a reality that can be achieved with thoughtful design and careful planning.

Technical aspects

Now, let’s delve into the technical aspects. The key here is to design your home to face north, taking full advantage of the northern sun’s rays during the winter months. In Australia, where the sun’s path is quite different, this can be a bit tricky, but with the right guidance, it’s absolutely achievable. The handyman recommends that you Engage an architect to advise on this matter is highly recommended, as they can help you balance harnessing the winter sun while keeping the summer sun out. Internal ventilation is also a crucial factor to consider. There are architect-designed homes in Australia that maintain constant cool temperatures in the summer and constant warm temperatures in winter.


The cost of employing an architect might seem high. However, consider the long-term savings you’ll make by reducing your dependence on electricity over the lifetime of your home. Even if you only live in it for a decade, the benefits are substantial.


But how do you design a north-facing block in Australia to maximize exposure to the northern sun in winter? Well, it’s all about the details.

First things First

Firstly, let’s talk about windows. The placement of your windows can drastically impact the amount of sunlight that enters your home. By strategically placing windows on the north side of your home, you can ensure that the winter sun floods into your living spaces, warming them naturally.

Deciduous Trees

Next, let’s consider the use of deciduous trees. These types of trees lose their leaves in winter, which means they won’t block the sun’s rays when you need them the most. In fact, they can provide a beautiful, natural frame for your home.

Moving on

Now, let’s move onto the design of your living spaces. Think about how you can arrange your rooms to take advantage of the winter sun. Perhaps a cozy reading nook by a north-facing window, or a sunny spot for your indoor plants.


Lastly, let’s talk about heat-absorbing tiles. These are tiles that absorb heat during the day and slowly release it at night. They can be a great addition to your home, providing a gentle, natural heat source that can help keep your home warm during those chilly winter nights.


So, as you can see, designing a north-facing block in Australia to maximize exposure to the northern sun in winter is not just about choosing the right orientation for your home. It’s about making thoughtful design choices that will not only make your home more comfortable but also more energy-efficient.

Remember, the key to a successful design is to think about how you can work with nature, rather than against it. And when it comes to harnessing the power of the sun, there’s no better time to start than now. So, let’s get started on designing your dream home together!”


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